User guide (Under Construction)
PDFSigner Class
PDFSigner Class has the method(s) required to sign PDF documents.
Method setLicenseKey
setLicenaseKey method has 2 overloads. It is used for setting License Key for the Library at the application startup.  This method should be called only once per application instance, at the early startup of the application.
public static boolean setLicenseKey(String UserId, String Location, String LicenseKey) throws Exception
public static boolean setLicenseKey(String UserId, String Location, String LicenseKey, String SystemUidUtilPath) throws Exception
Skip setLicenseKey call to use the library in DEMO mode.
If LicenseKey is set using setLicenseKey but could not be validated online, it throws exception so that signing does not continue in DEMO mode (with DEMO wartermark!)
Method SignPDF
SignPDF method is used to sign PDF file.  Methods takes byte array of pdf file along with signatureSetting object and returns byte array of the signed pdf file.
public static TxnRespWithFile SignPDF( byte[] SourceFile, int PageNo, SignatureSetting signatureSetting, boolean AppendMode, boolean Certified, String AdminPasswordForSourcePDF, String AdminPasswordForOutputPDF, String UserPasswordForOutputPDF, String OutFilePathAndName, DocumentWatermark docWatermarkSetting, int ThreadId) throws Exception
byte array of source PDF File.
PageNo where Digital Signature shall be attached.
Pass 0 to use setting from signatureSetting.positionSettings.SignOnPage
SignatureSetting Model object.
Set true to allow further signature in the same document for document requiring multiple authorizations. Otherwise False.
Set 'True' to Certify document.  Use 'True' for scanned documents or images if signature is showing invalid if not Certified.
Admin password of input file so that library can open and read the document.
Admin password for output file. (Master Password)
User Password for output file.
Path of digitally signed output file to be saved. Pass temp file if file is not required.
Setting of Document watermark to be put on the page to be signed. Refer to DocumentWartermark object.
ThreadId to be used in case application uses parallel signing. Pass "0", "1", "2" as ThreadId from different threads.