3. Uses MySQL database (recommended version 5.7 or above. Preferred 8.0 and above if you are installing afresh.) to store users and settings. Installed by Setup if not available.
4. OPTIONAL: Server Certificate if TLS/SSL is to be used.
5. OPTIONAL: Provisioning a subdomain (ex: signer.mycompanydomain.com) if web application is to be hosted in public domain and requires to be accessible from the internet.
Signer.Digital is available as Bridge Application or Application Extension which may be easily integrated in any work flow requiring file or document signing using Digital Signature Certificate issued by any Certifying Authority (CA) in any country. The application has lots of preprocessors and postprocessors.
Signer.Digital is built as 2 components.
1. Signer.Digital Server - runs as a system service on the server. Also provides SOAP API
2. Signer.Digital Console - runs as an UI client for managing and monitoring Signer.Digital Server.